
Fotos (v.l.n.r.) (c) 2016 Center for German Studies UVa., 2016 A.L., 2016 Loue Live,  2017 Mekonnen Mesghena, 2016 A.L.

Eine Auswahl meiner Vorträge:

A selection of my presentations and public talks:


Academic talks/Akademische Vorträge

Invited guest lectures/Gastvorträge

  • Langer, A. (June 6, 2023). “Antisemitism, Islamophobia and Conspiracy Theories in Europe.” Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria.
  • Langer, A. (April 17, 2023). “Understanding Islam, Muslims, and Islamophobia in the US.” Florida Humanities/The Jewish Council of North Central Florida.
  • Langer, A. (February 1, 2023). “The American Presidency: Bias and Antisemitism.” Florida Humanities/The Jewish Council of North Central Florida.
  • Langer, A. (September 27, 2022). "Rapping The German-Turkish Experience: The Representation of Immigrant Integration in Germany in Rapper Eko Fresh’s Music." Center for European Studies Lunchtime Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville.
  • Langer, A. (July 28, 2022). “Antisemitism on social media: Historical background of antisemitic narratives in QAnon.” The Wiener Holocaust Library in London, England. 
  • Langer, A. (March 5, 2021) “German Rapper Eko Fresh as a Historian of ‘Turkish’ Immigration and Integration in Germany.” Paper presented as part of the lecture series of the German History Research Group at the University of Cambridge in Cambridge, England.
  • Langer, A. (October 28, 2020) “Jewish-Muslim Alliances and Rivalries in Europe.“ Paper presented as part of the lecture series “Jewish-Muslim Forum“ at Youngstown State University in Youngstown, OH.


  • Langer, A. (February 4, 2020) “Deutsch-Sein und Jude-Sein: Zugehörigkeitsdebatten in der Aufklärung und heute.” [Being Jewish and German: a contradiction?”] Paper presented as part of the lecture series „Der lange Schatten. Antisemitische Gewalt in der Geschichte” [Antisemitisic violence in history] at Universität Osnabrück.
  • Langer, A. (May 27, 2019) “Warum brauchen wir interreligiöse Allianzen?” Paper presented at the conference “Demokratiekonferenz der Partnerschaft für Demokratie“ Frankfurt at Bildungsstätte-Anne-Frank.
  • Langer, A. (May 23, 2019) “Antisemitismus gestern und heute: Die Säkularisierung des Judenhasses.” [Antisemitism yesterday and today: The secularization of Jew-hatred.] Paper presented as part of the lecture series “Bildung – Macht – Rassismus” [Education, power, racism] at the University of Hamburg in Hamburg, Germany.
  • Langer, A. (April 30, 2019) “Building alliances against antisemitism and Islamophobia in Europe.” Paper presented as part of the lecture series “Imagine Europe” at San Diego State University in San Diego, California.
  • Langer, A. (December 2018) “Grenzen der Religionsfreiheit.” [The limits of religious freedom.] Paper presented at Karl Rahner Akademie in Cologne, Germany.
  • Langer, A. (December 2018) “Allianzen bilden in der antisemitismus- und rassismuskritischen Bildungsarbeit.” [Building alliances in an educational framework] Paper presented at the conference „W_orte für Empowerment: Rassismus(kritik) in der Migrationsgesellschaft“ at the Informations- und Dokumentationszentrum für Antirassismusarbeit in Nordrhein-Westfalen.
  • Langer, A. (November 12, 2018) “On antisemitism and Islamophobia in contemporary Germany.” Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.
  • Langer, A. (June 5, 2018) “Idee und Praxis lokaler Verständigung zwischen Juden und Muslimen.” [Theory and praxis of local reconciliation between Jews and Muslims.” Paper presented as part of the lecture series “Migration und Bildung” [Migration and education] at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.
  • Langer, A. (April 15, 2018) “Jewish and Muslim minorities in Germany and Europe.” Lenoir-Rhyne University in Hickory, North Carolina.
  • Langer, A. (April 9, 2018) “Jewish past and present in Amsterdam.” Affiliated talk as part of the exhibition „Lost stories, found images” at University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virginia.
  • Langer, A. (April 4, 2018) “Jewish identity politics in Germany today.” College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia.
  • Langer, A. (2018) “Coalition-building between minorities in Europe.” University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Langer, A. (March 17, 2018) “Coalition-building between minorities in Europe.” University of Texas in Arlington, Texas.
  • Langer, A. (October 2017). "Jüdisch-muslimsiche Verflechtungen." University of Bremen, Bremen.

  • Langer, A. (July 6, 2017) “Die Juden sind schuld? - Antisemitismus gestern und heute.” [Antisemitism yesterday and today.] Universität Bielefeld.
  • Langer, A. (May 2, 2017) “Antisemitismus im 21. Jahrhundert.” [Antisemitism in the twenty-first century.] Universität Duisburg-Essen.
  • Langer, A. (March 22, 2017). "Let us not be divided: Coalition-building between minorities in Europe." North Carolina State Univerrsity, Raleigh, North Carolina.
  • Langer, A. (November 3, 2016) “Antisemitismus und Islamophobie.” [Antisemitism and Islamophobia] Paper presented as part of the lecture series “Einblick, Weitblick, Durchblick” at Universität Stuttgart.
  • Langer, A. (October 13, 2016) “Wo hört Antizionismus auf – wo fängt Antisemitismus an?“ [Where does antizionism end and where does antisemitism begin?] Universität Wien.


Conference papers/Konferenzvorträge

  • Langer, A. (October 13, 2023). “A Memorial for Victims of the German Occupation? - Viktor Orban's Attempt to Rewrite History.” War, the Holocaust, and Human Rights Conference, United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs.
  • Langer, A. (October 7, 2023). “Dog-whistling as political strategy: A transatlantic perspective.” German Studies Association 47th Annual Conference, Montreal, Quebec.
  • Langer, A. (July 6, 2023). “Decolonial perspectives on science diplomacy.” German Academic Exchange Service - DAAD Seminar, Berlin.
  • Langer, A. (March 13, 2023). “Jewish Continuity Narratives in Germany and the United States.” 27th Annual Conference of the Western Jewish Studies Association at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas.
  • Langer, A. (February 24, 2023). “Reversing Victims and Perpetrators: The Budapest Second World War Memorial and the ‘Living Monument’ Exhibition.” Conference “Experiencing War Memorials: Place, Feeling, and Public Memory" at The University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa.
  • Langer, A. (February 17, 2023). “Antisemitic and Islamophobic dog-whistle politics in European and American populism.” Conference “Continuities of Othering: Old and New Forms of Racism, Old and New Populisms” at El Colegio de México in Mexico City.
  • Langer, A. (February 9, 2023). “I am Home, I am French’ – Notions of Be/Longing in Afro-French Rapper Black M’s Music.” Conference “Beyond the Culture: Black Popular Culture and Social Justice” at Georgia State University in Atlanta.
  • Langer, A. (October 21, 2022). “Zusammenhänge zwischen Hunde­pfeifenpolitik und rechtsextremer Gewalt: Das Beispiel der George-Soros-Verschwörungstheorien” [Connections between dog-whistle politics and far-right violence: As exemplified by the George Soros conspiracy myths]. Conference Neue Dimensionen des internationalen Rechtsterrorismus [New dimensions of the international far-right terrorism] at the Berlin School of Economics and Law in Berlin, Germany.
  • Langer, A. (March 26, 2022). “Revisiting Cultural Zionism.” Reconstructing Judaism Convention in Washington, D.C.
  • Langer, A. (January 6-9, 2022). “Abram went down to Egypt to live there, for the famine was severe” – Traditional and contemporary Jewish perspectives on climate migration." 2022 Annual Meeting of the Society of Jewish Ethics in Costa Mesa, CA.
  • Langer, A. (July 19, 2021) “Antisemitic Tropes in the Online Right-wing Conspiracy Collective QAnon”. Conference “Antisemitism in Today’s America: Manifestations, Causes, and Consequences” at the University of Indiana in Bloomington, Indiana.
  • Langer, A. (June 10, 2021) “Struggling with Germanness: Jewish and Muslim Performances of Resistance.” Paper presented at the conference “Studies of Belonging” at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • Langer, A. (March 19, 2021) “Herz Homberg: A Bohemian Jewish Educator on His Mission to ‘Civilize’ the Jews of Eastern Europe.” Paper presented at the 20th Annual Czech and Slovak Studies Workshop at the University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Langer, A. (March 15, 2021) “Anti-circumcision polemics in the German Enlightenment and its internalization among nineteenth-century German Jews.” Paper presented at the 25th Annual Conference of the Western Jewish Studies Association at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas, NV.
  • Langer, A. (January 8, 2021) “Beyond Jewish Racial Justice Activism: Can Jewish Tradition Guide Us in Times of COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter?.” Paper presented at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Society of Jewish Ethics 2021 in Washington, D.C.
  • Langer, A. (October 22, 2020) “Rapping the end of communism in Hungary: the early 90s hip-hop band “Rapülők” and the promise of a better future in central and eastern Europe.” Paper presented at the conference “Imagining the future in Modern Central and Eastern Europe” at the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, Czechia.
  • Langer, A. (December 7, 2019) “Trauma and resilience in interfaith activist work.” Paper presented at the conference “Wounded identities in Central and Eastern Europe” at Babes-Bolyai Universität in Cluj-Napoca, Rumania.
  • Langer, A. (October 23, 2019) “The Protestant spirit of the Berlin neutrality law.” Paper presented at “Bucerius Young Scholars Forum” at University of California in Berkeley, California.
  • Langer, A. (May 6, 2019) “German integration discourses on Jewish and Muslim religious symbols in the nineteenth century and today.” Paper presented at Western Jewish Studies Association 24th Annual Conference at California State University in San Bernardino, California.
  • Langer, A. (April 12, 2018) “Who belongs in/to the country? – Integration debates then and now.” Opening lecture at the conference “Sanctuary and belonging” at University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia.
  • Langer, A. (March 11, 2018) “Jewish acculturation in the nineteenth century: on the example of Samson Raphael Hirsch.” Paper presented at “Western Jewish Studies Association Annual Conference” at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas.
  • Langer, A. (October 5, 2016). "Judaism and Homosexuality." Paper presented at "Too queer to believe – Religion, social activism and LGBTI rights" at Heinrich Böll Foundation in Berlin.
  • Langer, A. (September 10, 2016) “The myth of European secularism: Christonormativity versus state neutrality.” Paper presented at the “4th International Consortium for Law and Religion Studies Conference” at University of Oxford in Oxford, England.
  • Langer, A. (December 4, 2015) “Grundlagen einer Friedenslehre aus den Quellen des Judentums.” [Traditional Jewish sources on peace.] Paper presented at the conference “Die Friedenspotentiale der abrahamitischen Religionen – Juden, Christen, Muslime” at Evangelische Kirche im Rheinland.

Conference chairmanships

  • Langer, A. (March 27, 2022). “The Renaissance of Jewish Life in Germany Today – Culture, Politics and Identities.” Panel at the 26th Annual Conference of the Western Jewish Studies Association at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, OK.
  • Langer, A. (June 11, 2021). “Circulations and Materialities.” Panel at the conference “Studies of Belonging” at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • Langer, A. (March 16, 2021). “Holocaust and Jewish Education in Germany and Israel.” Panel at the 25th Annual Conference of the Western Jewish Studies Association at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas, NV.

Non-academic talks/Nicht-akademische Vorträge

  • Langer, A. (May 29, 2022). "Rabbi Judah Magnes’s Pursuit for Cultural Pluralism in America and Palestine." Congregation Am Haskalah, Lehigh Valley, PA.
  • Langer, A. (May 22, 2022). "The Life & Work of Educator Henrietta Szold." Congregation Am Haskalah, Lehigh Valley, PA.
  • Langer, A. (December 12, 2021). " Liberal and Orthodox Reactions to the American Melting Pot Model." Congregation Am Haskalah, Lehigh Valley, PA.
  • Langer, A. (Octobre 2019). "Warum brauchen wir interreligiöse Allianzen?" Düsseldorfer Freitagsgespräche.
  • Langer, A. (December 2018). "Judentum und Homosexualität." Kommunales Integrationszentrum Essen.
  • Langer, A. (December 2018). "Wer gehört zu Deutschland?" Bund Alevitischer Jugend Solingen.
  • Langer, A. (December 2018). "Die Juden sind Schuld? - Antisemitismus gestern und heute." Jugendmigrationsdienste im Quartier Frankfurt a. M., Dezember 2018
  • Langer, A. et al (November 20, 2018). “Religiöser Pluralismus und Demokratie.” [Religious pluralism and democracy.] Berliner Landeszentrale für politische Bildung [Berlin Center for Civic Education]. Berlin, Germany.
  • Langer, A. (December 2017). "Idee und Praxis lokaler Verständigung zwischen Juden und Muslimen." Haus Wasserburg, Vallendar.
  • Langer, A. (October 17, 2018) “Wer gehört zu Deutschland?” [Who belongs to Germany?] Paper presented as part of the lecture series “Philosophie in der Kunsthalle“ [Philosophy in the Kunsthalle] at the Kunsthalle Lingen.
  • Langer, A. (September 2017). "Antisemitismus und Islamfeindlichkeit erkennen und bekämpfen." Tagung "Rechtspopulismus und Rassismus" des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes im Martin-Luther-Zentrum, Witten.
  • Langer, A. (June 2017). "Fasten im Judentum." Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Juni 2017
  • Langer, A. (May 2017). "Unity in Plurality: Jewish Debate Culture." Fraenkelufer-Synagoge, Berlin.
  • Langer, A. et al (December 7, 2017). “Der Fremde im eigenen Land - Identität und Heimatkonzepte” [Being foreign in one’s own country – Identity and concepts of home.] Katholisch-Soziales Institut [Catholic Social Institution]. Siegburg, Germany.
  • Langer, A. (March 2017). "Past and Present of the Jews in Hungary." Oresundslimmud Kopenhagen.
  • Langer, A. (December 6, 2016) “Ringparabel 2016: Der lange Weg zum Miteinander der Religionen.” [The long way of religious coexistence.] Theater Freiburg.
  • Langer, A. (May 2016). "Was kann Mosche in der Moschee tun? - Der halachische Status der Moscheen." Limmud Deutschland, Neuharlingelsiel.
  • Langer, A. (January 2016). "Zu göttlichen Namen und Attributen im Judentum." Tagung "Wie heißt dein Gott?", Haus Abraham Stuttgart.
  • Langer, A. (June 2015). "The Laws of Gemilut Chassadim – The Acts of Loving Kindness." South London Liberal Synagogue.
  • Langer, A. (May 2015). "The Development of Halachic Attitudes towards Conversion." Sim Shalom Progressive Jewish Community, Budapest.
  • Langer, A. (April 2015). "Sex im Judentum: Die Religion, die befiehlt, Sex zu haben." Israelitische Religionsgemeinschaft Württemberg, Stuttgart.

US book tours/Lesereisen in den USA

Coalition-Building Between Minorities in Europe - Jewish Identity Politics in Germany (2019)

California State University Northridge, Los Angeles, CA

Moravian College, Bethlehem, PA

Pomona College, Claremont, CA

San Diego State University, San Diego, CA

Swarthmore College, Philadelphia, PA

Temple University, Philadelphia, PA

University of California San Diego, CA


Coalition-Building Between Minorities in Europe - Jewish Identity Politics in Germany (2018)

Agnes Scott College, Atlanta, GA

Appalachian State University, Boone, NC

Brandeis University, Boston, MA

College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA

Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA

James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA

Lenoir-Ryhne University, Hickory, NC

Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

University of Texas, Arlington, TX

University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, MA

University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

Queens University, Charlotte, NC


Coalition-Building Between Minorities in Europe - Jewish Identity Politics in Germany (2017)

Congregation Beth El, Norfolk, VA

Jewish-Islamic Dialogue Society of Washington DC

North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

University of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg, VA

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC